Further reading on feminism

Jennie Baddeley has provided some suggestions for further reading on feminism. Some of these resources have already been mentioned during this month, but I decided to leave them here also with Jennie's particular endorsement:

Evangelical Feminism: A New Path for Liberalism? By Wayne Grudem

Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth: An Analysis of More Than 100 Disputed Questions by Wayne Grudem (very thorough and very long!)

Countering the Claims of Evangelical Feminism: Biblical Responses to the Key Questions by Wayne Grudem (a condensed version of Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth)

Here is an interview between blogger Adrian Warnock and Wayne Grudem, where Grudem discusses his books, church government and slavery as well as explaining why he believes Evangelical Feminism is not biblical. The interview is in 9 parts (you can link to the next part at the end of each post), and posts 2-5, 8-9 are particularly relevant. You’ll also get to ‘know’ Wayne Grudem a little more, which is worthwhile.

Kirsten Birkett The Essence of Feminism. This is a much easier (and thinner!) book than The Feminist Mistake, but comes to much the same conclusion as Mary’s book. It doesn’t have as much detail or indepth analysis as Mary’s book, but is more accessible for that reason.

Andreas J. Kostenberger and Thomas R. Schreiner (Eds.) Women in the Church: An Analysis and Application of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 (2nd Edition). Useful for exploring one of the key biblical texts upon which the conversative position on women’s role in church is based.

If you don’t have time to read The Feminist Mistake, you might like to listen to Mary Kassian speak at the recent True Woman conference (previously mentioned). This is a good summary of the major parts of the book and takes only about 45 minutes to listen to. You can also check out Mary Kassian’s website.
AliThe Feminist Mistake